spends thousands CA$ per month on iMGSRC.RU operations
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While this may be inaccurate number and may vary both ways, they have already spent years to check every single picture on iMGSRC.RU. This operation surely takes lots of human resources and computing power which is costly enough. runs this operation of off Amazon cloud services which are not cheap when it comes to download and store millions of files.
We see their bots running amok around our servers every single day. Amazingly, with all their efforts through the last 2 years they only reported around 5000 photos, but because every iMGSRC.RU photo has several URL variants sent around a million of emails because what they are only good at is spending money :)
When launched their crazy “Take it Down” operation, we asked to take part in it. No reply. Later we asked again through various means and after initial “thank you for your interest, we’ll forward your email to the right department” there was always silence.
Given all of the above we think this organisation is not really interested in fighting CP worldwide, but rather uses tax money to specifically target iMGSRC.RU
What do you think?