How to kill anything on the internet in 2022: the easy guide

2 min readNov 12, 2022


Disclaimer: The image above is totally legit.

There is some EOKM database that is used to automatically check content by various hosting companies, our beloved Hetzner not an exception. You can read on how things work on Cloudflare’s blog or google more details. This dabase and content check procedure certainly help to fight child porn, CSAM and whatever else bad could be in the pictures. However there is always a flaw.

The EOKM database consists of content hashes of different types and obviously contains so called “false positives”. LOTS OF THEM. There are various reasons how did these get into database firsthand but this is not the biggest question. But, one just can’t remove anything from DB. Once in -never out. The above image is one of these. And because we host this image somewhere on iMGSRC.RU people think of us as CSAM support and some othere people even remove us from

So how exactly kill any site with user generated content like iMGSRC.RU on the internet in 2022? There is no “maybe” between a 1 or 0 answer from a EOKM database. Most hosting operators will not enter into discussions if uploaded content match EOKM (ie it replied 1 which means “true, bad hash, must be removed”) and force you to move from their premises and block you for CSAM abuse. Try to upload the above totally legit image to your hosting and let us know in the comments if you receive a note from your hosting operator.



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